It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men - Frederick Douglass

Our Core

We are a community of dedicated men who are able to guide and support boys, often with absent fathers, on their journey to manhood.

Better Life Choices

We offer boys a safe place to talk about what is really going on in their lives, and a community of mentors and peers who will listen and understand them.

Empowering Boys

We offer boys a platform where they can hear other boys, and men, share their stories and understand they are not alone.

Journey of Hope

Since 2006 we’ve had the privilege of mentoring hundreds of wonderful young men at the beginning of their journey to manhood

Register for weekend

Our Rites of Passage Adventure weekend offers boys a potent and powerful three day residential experience of emotion-centric transformation where they are supported to find inner strength and insight in their lives. We have worked with hundreds of adolescents over the years and have seen the beautiful change in their eyes over and over.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help communities of men who have clarity and integrity, are kind and loving and who can be visionaries, with the ability to affect transformation for others and the wilder world. We work with adolescent boys wherever they are in their journeys and offer support, mentorship, positive role-modeling and safe spaces to talk about life and living.

Our Program

The road to adulthood is a difficult one – fraught with a variety of issues in both internal and external worlds. The challenges of growing up, of finding one’s identity and place in the world, of dealing with depression, anger or anxiety or simply having a community with which to celebrate one’s triumphs are all issues young men face and because of these challenges, we offer a new approach and a unique vision.


Coffee Bean


Coffee Bean

Become A Mentor

Coffee Bean

Join Our Staff

The teenage years are a critical moment in the lives of boys – nurturing and empowering in this period can enable them to follow their dreams and become the best that they can be. Invest in our organisation today and help to change lives for the better.

Be the Change

We have heard boys moving stories of courage and hope. We have seen the devastating impact divorce and absent fathers can have on a boy’s spirit. Join us on our journey of hope.

Our Team

Gary Wheeler

Operations Coordinator

Charlie Flanagan

Co founder, management team & Lions Club liaison

Trevor Hennings

Management Team, Weekend Leader Team & Facilitator

Adam Willemse

Youth coordinator & recruitment

Mark Hainsworth

Center Director



PO Box 32115
Camps Bay
Cape Town
South Africa